Welcome! This blog has been created to teach about the importance of attention in learning. I hope everyone will find this blog informative. Please feel free to leave a comment!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Final thoughts on attention..

As adults or students, we must learn how to harness our attention, whether it be in our personal or professional lives. We must be aware of factors that influence our attention and get rid of any distractions. As a nurse, it is extremely important for me to be able to cut out any distractions and focus on my patient, it could be a life or death situation. Also, as an online learner I am problems focusing my attention to school work when I have so many other distractions at my home. I use factors such a personal significances and emotional association to focus my attention on my school. 

I hope you found this blog on the importance of attention to be useful and informative! Please feel free to email me with any questions.


  1. Great job, lots of useful information on here!

  2. Sarah,
    So true about nurses having to be able to pay attention to the important, and sometimes subtle, signs from our patients. I have no problem paying attention to things that interest me as you included in your information. It is funny how closely attention is tied to memory, too.

  3. Sarah,
    Good job as nurses we can save patients lives just by applying our knowledge and paying attention. I enjoyed reading your blog.
